Project Description

Strategic Research Agenda (SRA)

The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the Manufuture Technology Platform was presented -at the presence of the Commissioner Potocnick- to more than 300 top industrialists, academics and policy makers interested in the future of European Manufacturing, at the third Manufuture Conference on December 6th 2005 in Derby, UK.
The SRA, based on the Vision 2020 launched at Manufuture Conference in 2004, proposes an ambitious plan inviting European organisations to invest in a set of strategic pillars with targeted research, innovation and educational activities that could transform the competitive basis of Europe producing and delivering products and services which society desires and expects in global markets.
The vision upon which the SRA is based calls for European manufacturing industry to reinvent itself shifting from cost-based global competition, towards a dynamic creator of knowledge-based added value.
Manufuture represents the broad horizontal European initiative creating high level synergy between the vertical sector- or technology-specific action plans and the Technology Platforms, that are already in place -or under preparation- to respond to the purpose of assuring Manufacturing in Europe at EU, national and regional level.

To implement the SRA a consultation process was opened – to all participants of Manufuture Conference 2005- on December 8th 2005 and closed on February 15th, 2006.

Following the consultation phase, the final SRA was discussed and then agreed by HLG on July 2006.

The final version of the SRA has been presented at the Manufuture Conference 2006 in Tampere, Finland, on 9th & 10th October 2006.

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2030 (SRIA)

Vision 2030