The Tampere Manufacturing Summit 2011, 23-25 May, 2011

The summit will be held on 23rd and 24th of May 2011 in Tampere, Finland at Tampere Hall. After the seminar on 25th of May you’ll have a possibility to participate in technical visits and/or take part in a networking and brokerage event and related face-to-face meetings.

This year the Summit is still followed by the International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2011 on 25-27 May, These two events form the Tampere Manufacturing Week 2011 offering during the week in total more than 120 expert presentations in the field of manufacturing.
The Summit will bring together front line industrial manufacturers, researchers and other stake holders to share experiences and ideas about different aspects of manufacturing and to discuss the key enablers to improved global competitivity and business profitability in manufacturing industry.
This year, the theme of the summit is «Lean and Sustainable».
Lean manufacturing aims at cutting costs by making the business more efficient and responsive to market needs, and can result also in green benefits by elimination of non-value activities. ‘Lean and Sustainable’ combines Lean and Green practices which is becoming one of the foremost strategies to achieve leading edge productivity while minimizing at the same time the environmental impacts.
Further info: www.tamperemanufacturingsummit.fiSummit programmeIntroduction of the speakers

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