Responsible: Pedro Rocha (PRODUTECH)

Other contact: José Carlos Caldeira

Contact person

Responsible: Pedro Rocha (PRODUTECH)

Other contact: José Carlos Caldeira

Rua Diogo Botelho, nº 1327
4169-005 Porto

Coordinator’s Institution:
Campus da FEUP
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, nº 378
4200-465 Porto

The association FÓRUM MANUFUTURE PORTUGAL (FMP) was created in May 2005 and its main objective is to promote the debate about the future of manufacturing activities and companies, at national and European level and, thus, to feed the debate at European level led by the MANUFUTURE Technology Platform.
FMP is a horizontal platform, addressing all industrial sectors and covering the RTD areas defined in the MANUFUTURE SRA. Apart from the identification of the main research areas, FMP also addresses relevant framework conditions that influence the sustainable development of European industry, like education and training, RTD infrastructures, funding programs, etc.
Its action plan includes dissemination actions, thematic workshops, the production of documents and the active involvement in the actions and initiatives promoted by the MANUFUTURE TP.

Manufacturing industries represent an important part of Portuguese GDP and employment, thus economic and social health strongly depend on its sustainable development. Due to its specialization in traditional sectors, Portuguese industry needs to promote the technological and value upgrade of the existing sectors and, simultaneously, to generate new companies in emerging sectors, capable to gradually change the specialization pattern.
To meet these objectives, a stronger investment in R&D and innovation is needed, combined with the creation of cooperation networks between industry and academia, at national and European level, which means that the involvement of Portuguese industry in initiatives like the MANUFUTURE TP is of great importance.

As already mentioned, the FMP is a horizontal initiative, not focusing in any particular sector. Nevertheless, it can be said that there are among its members representatives coming from the following industrial sectors:

– Metalworking
– Textile
– Shoes
– Wood & cork
– Furniture
– Ceramics
– Glass
– Packaging
– Electric equipment and machinery
– Electronics and optoelectronics
– Moulds, dies and special tools
– Machine and systems manufacturers
– Construction
– Pharma

– New, added-value products and services: Yes
– New business models: Yes
– New advanced industrial engineering: Yes
– New emerging manufacturing science and technologies: Yes
– Transformation of existing R&D and education infrastructure to support world-class manufacturing: Yes

The FMP, as organisation, is not involved in R&D projects. On the other hand, its members (from industry and academia) are involved in a large number of national and European R&D projects and activities

– 31 members from companies from the sectors mentioned
– 7 members from institutes and research centres
– 5 members from technology centres
– 12 members from universities
– 4 members from governmental organisations and agencies
– 3 members from industrial associations
– 1 members from finance sector


– Ministry of Science Technology and High Education
– Ministry of Economy and Innovation
– Structural Funds
– Regional Structural Funds
– EFS (European Social Fund)