Lombardy Dialogues “Food Safurity: Bridging Safety and Security” in Milan, 5 May 2015

Tuesday, 5th May 2015 from 09:00 to 16:00 at the Auditorium Testori, Palazzo Lombardia, Milan will be held the conference Research and territory in EXPO2015: “Lombardy Dialogues” “Food Safurity: Bridging Safety and Security”.

The Conference will start with the description of a modern and, to some extent, futuristic food producing factory devoted to guarantee the food value, then will be illustrate the available technologies to ensure quality and safety of products, ensure their proper packaging through the use of new materials and manage territorial sorting through modern systems of logistics and transportation.

The Conference is part of the cycle of conferences within the project “Exhibition Ground for Scientific Research – Italian Pavilion for EXPO2015” within the framework Agreement between the National Research Council of Italy and the Lombardy Regional Government, in partnership with Unioncamere Lombardia.

For further information https://www.expo.cnr.it/en/lombardy-dialogues or download the Conference program.

Participation at the Conference is free, upon pre-registration at https://www.expo.cnr.it/en/node/124 or click here.

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