1st Ordinary General Assembly of “Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente” in Milan, 11 December 2014

The 1st Ordinary General Assembly of “Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente” will be held at “Auditorium Gio Ponti” of Assolombarda in Via Pantano 9, Milan on December 11th December 2014.

The event is open to everyone, members or not, who want to know more about “Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente”, its organization and its technological content.

During the private session in the morning, the 300 members of the cluster will meet for the first time, they will be called to approve the general policy of the Association on the basis of proposals from the “Organo di Coordinamento e Gestione” (OCG) and to elect their own representatives, which will become part of the OGC elective component.
During the public session in the afternoon, where will partecipate regional, national and European institutions, together with companies, research centers, universities and associations, will present the “Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente” and will be shown the roadmap content of the cluster that will be handed over to the representatives of MISE and Education Ministry.

For further information, visit Fabbrica Intelligente web site.

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